Sunday, September 18, 2011

Inhale Hope - Exhale the Stigma

We are excited as we plan for our 1st annual fundraiser for Mae's Breath Foundation, and what more fitting than to name it: Inhale Hope - Exhale the Stigma. We know that there is a huge misconception that lung cancer only happens to those that smoke, better yet the stigma of that's what happens when you smoke.
This is not the thinking we should display to those facing this horrid cancer.

Have you ever held you breath for more than a minute? It's hard isn't it? Well think how difficult when you are faced with lung cancer.... the lungs are infected with cells that basically cut ones mechanism to breathe.
I've seen it and it's not a pleasant thing to witness, nor is it nice to say a person deserves lung cancer because of their choices. Now is the time to cut the stigma, because it's this warped thinking that has not pushed for the proper funding and awareness that is necessary- To Breathe Should Not be Discriminatory.....

Join us at Studio 580
580 8th Avenue and 38th street, 5th floor, New York, Ny

Date: November 5th
Time: 8:00 -  10:00 pm (prompt)
Fee: $100

Light Hor Doeurves
Wine and Beer (Open Bar)
Guest Singer- Rhonda Venet
Silent Auction (Cash)